By: Alexa Greco


When bringing a new product into the market, the packaging is one of the most crucial things to keep in mind. Packaging is the first thing the consumer sees without even knowing what is inside the bottle. It is an asset that can impact the success of your product. When thinking about packaging for your product, there are a lot of things to consider, in this blog we list the top four. 


Depicting your Target Market and Brand Identity 

While packaging that reflects your product is extremely important, it is equally important that it reflects your brand identity and target market. Since your packaging is a direct representation of your brand, it is important to create a distinct and cohesive packaging design that sets your product apart from the many others on the shelf while still ensuring you are creating a packaging concept that resonates with your brand’s values, colors, and overall aesthetics. Even though a visually striking design is essential, simplicity should not be overlooked. It is best to avoid clutter and excessive information that might overwhelm the consumer. A clean and straightforward design ensures that the essential product details are easily accessible, creating an overall better consumer experience. 


Functionality and Versatility  

Beyond aesthetics, consider the practical aspects of your packaging. Is it easy to open? Does it protect the product effectively? Those are just some of the many questions you may want to ask yourself when thinking about your products’ packaging. Ensuring that your packaging serves the practical needs of protecting the product during transit and storage is crucial and contributes to a positive customer experience. It is also important to consider the various retail environments where your product may be sold. Your packaging should adapt to different display spaces. You want to think about how it will look in both large retail stores and smaller boutique settings to ensure versatility and consistency across various points of sale. 



Understanding the federal standards that your packaging needs to meet is vital. It is extremely important to ensure that your packaging adheres to those industry standards and legal requirements. By meeting these requirements, you not only avoid potential legal issues but also reinforce your commitment to quality and build trust. 


Sustainability and Growth 

With sustainable and eco-friendly packaging on the rise, consider the role these options will play in your packaging strategy. Each day, more and more consumers are drawn to eco-friendly packaging for all kinds of products. When creating your packaging, try to explore materials that are recyclable, biodegradable, or made from recycled sources. It is also important to communicate your mission of sustainability within your packaging to consumers as it can attract a new kind of consumer who prioritizes eco-friendly practices. While keeping sustainability in mind, you may want to consider the scalability of your packaging design by considering a design pack that can accommodate different products as it evolves. By future-proofing your design, you are ensuring consistency and brand integrity as your brand grows. 


Creating effective packaging requires knowledge of your brand identity, target marketing, functionality, versatility, compliance, sustainability trends and overall brand growth. By carefully considering these elements and putting in the time and effort necessary, you can no doubt create packaging for your product that is set up for success.